컬러닷지: 두 판 사이의 차이

리버티게임, 모두가 만들어가는 자유로운 게임
편집 요약 없음
잔글편집 요약 없음
태그: 되돌려진 기여
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
--[[사용자:BANIP|BANIP]] ([[사용자토론:BANIP|토론]]) 2023년 8월 12일 (토) 03:30 (KST)
background:hsl(200, 100%, 90%);
container: gamemain / inline-size;
const TIME_LIMIT = 60
--color-skyblue: hsl(200, 100%, 80%);
--color-skyblue-light: hsl(200, 100%, 90%);
const RATINGS = [
--color-skyblue-dark: hsl(200, 100%, 70%);
{icon:"battery_1_bar",message:"가능성만 있어요.",limit:100},
--color-rose: hsl(330, 100%, 80%);
{icon:"battery_3_bar",message:"기대 이상이에요.",limit:300},
{icon:"battery_4_bar",message:"자랑해도 될 수준이에요.",limit:400},
{icon:"battery_6_bar",message:"완벽에 가까워요.",limit:600},
{icon:"battery_full",message:"더이상 무엇을 바라겠어요?",limit:700},
const MUSICS = [
{pagename:"파일:Popcandy goorogi.mp3", step:0},
{pagename:"파일:Cyrf pluto.mp3", step:20},
{pagename:"파일:Isao blaze.mp3", step:40},
const sound = {
intro: sys.initSound("dodge_intro.mp3"),
result: sys.initSound("dodge_result.mp3"),
move: sys.initSound("dodge_move.mp3"),
success: sys.initSound("dodge_success.mp3"),
count: sys.initSound("dodge_count.mp3"),
start: sys.initSound("dodge_start.mp3"),
async function main() {
await sys.init();
await pages.lobby();
let {score} = await pages.game();
await pages.result({score});
String.prototype.parseHtml = function(){
return this.replace(/{/g, "<").replace(/}/g, ">");
const util = {
asleep: async (ms) => {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const pages = {
$body: $("#mw-content-text"),
lobby: () => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
{div class="game lobby"}
{div class="title"}{span class="skyblue"}컬러{/span} {span class="rose"}닷지{/span}{/div}
{div class="btn start"}시작하기{/div}
let childSelectors = ".skyblue, .rose, .start";
for( let [i, el] of Object.entries(pages.$body.find(childSelectors).toArray())){
if(!el) continue;
setTimeout(() => {
}, i*500);
pages.$body.find(".btn").on("click", async () => {
await util.asleep(500);
game: () => {
let $body = pages.$body;
{div class="game play"}
{div class="bg"}{/div}
{div class="timer-wrapper"}{/div}
{div class="grid-wrapper"}{/div}
let gridGen = function*(){
let inits = [0,1,4,2]
let repeat = [5,4,2,Infinity]
let now = [0,0,0,0]
let getValue = (i) => now[i] + inits[i]
for(let i = 0; i < now.length; i++){
if(now[i] >= repeat[i]){
now[i] = 0; now[i+1] += 1;inits[i] += 1;
yield new Grid({shuffleCount:getValue(1), row:getValue(2), col:getValue(2), depth:getValue(3)})
now[0] += 1;
let gridIter = gridGen();
let timer = new Timer(TIME_LIMIT)
let grid = gridIter.next().value
let $bg = $body.find(" .game > .bg");
return new Promise(async resolve => {
await sys.message({$body:$bg, msg:"모두 같은색으로 만드세요.", ms:3000});
for(let i = 3; i > 0; i--){
await sys.message({$body:$bg, msg:i, ms:500});
(async function(){
let index = 0;
await grid.wait();
grid = gridIter.next().value
let musicIndex = MUSICS.findIndex(({step}) => step === index);
if(musicIndex !== -1){
await timer.wait();
let score = timer.getScore();
result: ({score}) => {
let {icon, message} = RATINGS.find(({limit}) => score < limit);
{div class="game result"}
{div class="title"}{span class="rose"}게임 결과{/span}{/div}
{div class="score"}${score.toFixed(0).toLocaleString()}점{/div}
{div class="rating"}
{span class="material-symbols-outlined icon"}${icon}{/span}
{span class="message"}${message}{/span}
{div class="btn-wrapper"}
{div class="btn restart"}다시하기{/div}
{div class="btn totalk"}토론{/div}
{div class="btn rank"}랭킹등록{/div}
return new Promise(resolve => {
pages.$body.find(".totalk").on("click", () => {
let titleObj = new mw.Title(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
let talkPageUrl = titleObj.getTalkPage().getUrl();
location.href = talkPageUrl;
pages.$body.find(".restart").on("click", () => {
pages.$body.find(".rank").on("click", async function(){
await sys.saveRanking({score});
const sys = {
init: async function() {
let $body = $("#mw-content-text");
let bodyMinHeight = window.innerHeight - $body.offset().top - 100;
"height": bodyMinHeight,
"display": "flex",
"flex-direction": "column",
"justify-content": "center",
"position": "relative",
message: async function({$body, msg, ms, speed = 200} = {}) {
let $msg = $("{div}{/div}".parseHtml()).text(msg).css({display:"none", textAlign:"center",fontSize:"1.5em"});
await util.asleep(ms + speed);
await util.asleep(speed);
initSound: (name) => {
let thisSound = null
repo.getFileUrl(`파일:${name}`).then(({url}) => thisSound = new Audio(url));
return () => {
if(thisSound) thisSound.cloneNode().play();
saveRanking: async function({score}) {
let name = mw.user.getName() || "익명";
let rankingPagename = mw.config.get('wgPageName') + "/랭킹";
let content = await repo.getPage(rankingPagename);
let prevRank = content === "" ?
[] :
content.trim().split("\n").map( row => {
let [_,name,score]  = row.match(/\* '''([^']+)'''[^\d]+(\d+)/)
return [name,score]
let rankIndex = prevRank.findIndex(([name,thisScore]) => score > thisScore);
let rank = rankIndex === -1 ? prevRank.length + 1 : rankIndex + 1;

let newRank = Object.entries(Object.fromEntries(prevRank.concat([[name,score]]))).sort((a,b) => b[1] - a[1]);
height: 100%;
let newRankText = newRank.map(([name,score]) => `* '''${name}''' : ${score}점`).join("\n");
let success = await repo.editPage({
pagename: rankingPagename,
text: newRankText,
summary: `랭킹 등록(${score}점, ${rank}위)`,
mw.notify(success ? `${name}님의 점수가 등록되었습니다. (랭킹 ${rank}위)` : '랭킹 등록에 실패했습니다.');
return rank;
const repo = {
api: new mw.Api(),
getFileUrl: async function (pagename) {
let response = await repo.api.get({
action: 'query',
titles: pagename,
prop: 'imageinfo',
iiprop: 'url',
formatversion: 2
let pages = response.query.pages;
let url = pages[0].imageinfo[0].url;
return { url };
editPage: async function({pagename, text, summary, bot= true, minor = true} = {}) {

.game.lobby, .game.result{
let response = await repo.api.post({
display:flex; flex-direction:column; justify-content:center; align-items:center;
action: 'edit', title: pagename,
justify-content: space-around;  
text, summary, bot, minor,
token: await repo.api.getToken('csrf')
if (response?.edit?.result === 'Success') {
return true
} else {
return false;
getPage: async function({pagename}){
let response = await repo.api.get({
action: 'query',
prop: 'revisions',
rvprop: 'content',
titles: pagename,
formatversion: 2,
if(response.query === undefined) return ''
let pages = response.query.pages;
let content = pages[0].revisions[0].content;
return content
const bgm = {
audioEl: null,
play: async function(level = 0) {
let {url} = await repo.getFileUrl(MUSICS[level].pagename);
this.audioEl = new Audio(url);
this.currentTime = 0;
this.audioEl.addEventListener('ended', function() {
this.currentTime = 0;
}, false);

.game .title{
-webkit-text-stroke:4px white;
font-size: 18cqw;
stop: function() {
font-weight: bold;
if (this.audioEl) {
class Timer{

.game .title .skyblue{
this._limit = limit;
color: var(--color-skyblue);
this._time = 0;
this._score = 0;
this._$element = $(`{div class="timer"}{div class="bg"}{/div}{div class="remain"}${this._limit}{/div}{/div}`.parseHtml());
this._resolve = () => {};
let $remain = this._$element.find(".remain");
let $bg = this._$element.find(".bg");
this._time = this._limit;
this._score = 0;
this._interval = setInterval(() => {
this._time = Math.floor((this._time - 0.1) * 10) / 10;
if(this._time <= 0){
// time과 limt에 따라 $element의 width를 조정
let width = this._time / this._limit * 100;
width: `${width}%`,
background: `hsl(${width * 1.2}, 100%, 80%)`

.game .title .rose{
}, 100);
color: var(--color-rose);

.game .btn{
font-size: 4cqw;
this._time += amount;
color: #fff;
let diff = this._time - this._limit;
font-weight: bold;
this._score += diff;
border: 4px solid #fff;
if(this._time > this._limit) this._time = this._limit;
padding: 8px 16px;
border-radius: 8px;
background: var(--color-skyblue);
transition: 0.2s all;
cursor: pointer;
return new Promise(resolve => {
this._resolve = resolve;

.game.play .bg{
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0, 0.5);
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
color: #fff;
.game.play > .bg{
return Math.floor(this._score);
return this._$element;

class Grid{
static DIRECTIONS = [[1,1],[1,0],[1,-1],[0,1],[0,0],[0,-1],[-1,1],[-1,0],[-1,-1]]
grid-template-rows: 30px 1fr;
constructor({row=5, col=5, depth=2, shuffleCount=2}={}){
padding: 8px;
this._row = row; this._col = col; this._depth = depth; this._resolve = () => {}
box-sizing: border-box;
this._grid = Array.from({length:row},()=>Array.from({length:col},()=>0));

.game .timer{
static _isMobile(){
return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
position: relative;
.game .timer .remain{
_sample(prevArr, count=1){
let result = [];
position: relative;
let arr = [...prevArr];
for(let i=0;i<count;i++){
let index = Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length);
return result;

.game .btn:hover{
background: var(--color-skyblue-light);
let size = this._row * this._col;
transform: scale(1.1);
let depth = this._depth;
let rawCells = Array.from({length:size},(_,i)=>i)
rawCells = Array.from({length:depth - 1}, ()=>rawCells).flat();
let cells = this._sample(rawCells, count);
for(let cell of cells){
let row = Math.floor(cell/this._col);
let col = cell%this._col;
.game .btn-wrapper{
display:flex; flex-direction:row; justify-content:center; align-items:center; gap: 16px;
for(let [r,c] of Grid.DIRECTIONS){
let value = grid?.[row+r]?.[col+c];
if(value !== undefined){
grid[row+r][col+c] = ((grid[row+r][col+c] || 0) + 1) % this._depth;
.game .score{
font-size: 8cqw;
font-weight: bold;
color: var(--color-skyblue);
-webkit-text-stroke: 1px white;

return grid.every(row=>row.every(col=>col === grid[0][0]));
.game .icon{
let $grid = $("{div class='grid'}{/div}".parseHtml()).css({
display:"grid", width: "100%", height: "100%", gap: "8px",
gridTemplateColumns: `repeat(${this._col},1fr)`, gridTemplateRows: `repeat(${this._row},1fr)`,
let getColor = (row,col) => `hsl(${this._grid[row][col]*360/this._depth},100%,80%)`;
for(let i = 0; i < this._row; i++){
for(let j = 0; j < this._col; j++){
let $div = $("{div class='cell'}{/div}".parseHtml()).css({
backgroundColor: getColor(i,j),
$grid.find(".cell").on(Grid._isMobile()?"touchstart":"mousedown",e => {
let $cell = $(e.currentTarget);
let [row,col] = [$cell.attr("row"),$cell.attr("col")].map(v=>+v);
if(this._validate(this._grid)) this._resolve();
$cell.css({backgroundColor:getColor(row,col)}); // 현재 셀 색상 변경
setTimeout(()=>{ // 주변 셀 색상 변경
for(let [r,c] of Grid.DIRECTIONS){
let $cell = $grid.find(`.cell[row=${row+r}][col=${col+c}]`);
if($cell.length) $cell.css({backgroundColor:getColor(row+r,col+c)});
return $grid;
.game .rating{
border-radius: 8px;
return new Promise(resolve=>{
padding: 8px 16px;
font-size: 4cqw;
font-weight: bold;
color: var(--color-skyblue-dark);
border: 4px solid var(--color-skyblue-dark);
display: flex;
align-items: center;
ios는 지원되지 않습니다.
{{장르 분류}}

2023년 8월 12일 (토) 15:13 판

/* --BANIP (토론) 2023년 8월 12일 (토) 03:30 (KST)

  • /

const TIME_LIMIT = 60 const TIME_ADDITONAL = 20 const RATINGS = [ {icon:"battery_1_bar",message:"가능성만 있어요.",limit:100}, {icon:"battery_2_bar",message:"익히셨군요.",limit:200}, {icon:"battery_3_bar",message:"기대 이상이에요.",limit:300}, {icon:"battery_4_bar",message:"자랑해도 될 수준이에요.",limit:400}, {icon:"battery_5_bar",message:"익숙하시군요.",limit:500}, {icon:"battery_6_bar",message:"완벽에 가까워요.",limit:600}, {icon:"battery_full",message:"더이상 무엇을 바라겠어요?",limit:700}, ] const MUSICS = [ {pagename:"파일:Popcandy goorogi.mp3", step:0}, {pagename:"파일:Cyrf pluto.mp3", step:20}, {pagename:"파일:Isao blaze.mp3", step:40}, ]

const sound = { intro: sys.initSound("dodge_intro.mp3"), result: sys.initSound("dodge_result.mp3"), move: sys.initSound("dodge_move.mp3"), success: sys.initSound("dodge_success.mp3"), count: sys.initSound("dodge_count.mp3"), start: sys.initSound("dodge_start.mp3"), }

async function main() { await sys.init();

while(true){ bgm.stop(); await pages.lobby(); let {score} = await pages.game(); await pages.result({score}); } }

String.prototype.parseHtml = function(){ return this.replace(/{/g, "<").replace(/}/g, ">"); } const util = { asleep: async (ms) => { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }, }

const pages = { $body: $("#mw-content-text"), lobby: () => { return new Promise(resolve => { pages.$body.html(` {div class="game lobby"} {div class="title"}{span class="skyblue"}컬러{/span} {span class="rose"}닷지{/span}{/div} {div class="btn start"}시작하기{/div} {/div} `.parseHtml()); //debugger let childSelectors = ".skyblue, .rose, .start"; pages.$body.find(childSelectors).css({display:"none"}); for( let [i, el] of Object.entries(pages.$body.find(childSelectors).toArray())){ if(!el) continue; setTimeout(() => { $(el).slideDown(500); }, i*500); }

pages.$body.find(".btn").on("click", async () => { sound.move(); pages.$body.find(childSelectors).fadeOut(500); await util.asleep(500); resolve(); }); }); }, game: () => { let $body = pages.$body; $body.html(` {div class="game play"} {div class="bg"}{/div} {div class="timer-wrapper"}{/div} {div class="grid-wrapper"}{/div} {/div} `.parseHtml()); let gridGen = function*(){ let inits = [0,1,4,2] let repeat = [5,4,2,Infinity] let now = [0,0,0,0] while(true){ let getValue = (i) => now[i] + inits[i] for(let i = 0; i < now.length; i++){ if(now[i] >= repeat[i]){ now[i] = 0; now[i+1] += 1;inits[i] += 1; } } yield new Grid({shuffleCount:getValue(1), row:getValue(2), col:getValue(2), depth:getValue(3)}) now[0] += 1;

} }

let gridIter = gridGen(); let timer = new Timer(TIME_LIMIT) let grid = gridIter.next().value $body.find(".timer-wrapper").html(timer.getElement()); $body.find(".grid-wrapper").html(grid.getElement());

let $bg = $body.find(" .game > .bg"); return new Promise(async resolve => { sound.intro(); await sys.message({$body:$bg, msg:"모두 같은색으로 만드세요.", ms:3000}); for(let i = 3; i > 0; i--){ sound.count(); await sys.message({$body:$bg, msg:i, ms:500}); } sound.start(); bgm.play(); $bg.fadeOut(200);

(async function(){ let index = 0; while(++index){ await grid.wait(); sound.success(); timer.addTime(TIME_ADDITONAL); grid = gridIter.next().value $body.find(".grid-wrapper").html(grid.getElement());

let musicIndex = MUSICS.findIndex(({step}) => step === index); if(musicIndex !== -1){ bgm.play(musicIndex); } } })(); timer.start(); await timer.wait(); let score = timer.getScore(); resolve({score}); }); }, result: ({score}) => { sound.result();

let {icon, message} = RATINGS.find(({limit}) => score < limit);

pages.$body.html(` {div class="game result"} {div class="title"}{span class="rose"}게임 결과{/span}{/div} {div class="score"}${score.toFixed(0).toLocaleString()}점{/div} {div class="rating"} {span class="material-symbols-outlined icon"}${icon}{/span} {span class="message"}${message}{/span} {/div} {div class="btn-wrapper"} {div class="btn restart"}다시하기{/div} {div class="btn totalk"}토론{/div} {div class="btn rank"}랭킹등록{/div} {/div} {/div} `.parseHtml());

return new Promise(resolve => {

pages.$body.find(".totalk").on("click", () => { let titleObj = new mw.Title(mw.config.get('wgPageName')); let talkPageUrl = titleObj.getTalkPage().getUrl(); location.href = talkPageUrl; }); pages.$body.find(".restart").on("click", () => { resolve(); }); pages.$body.find(".rank").on("click", async function(){ $(this).off("click").text("등록중..."); await sys.saveRanking({score}); $(this).text("등록완료"); }); }); }, }

const sys = { init: async function() { $(".vector-sitenotice-container").hide(); let $body = $("#mw-content-text"); let bodyMinHeight = window.innerHeight - $body.offset().top - 100; $("#mw-content-text").addClass("gamebody")

$body.css({ "height": bodyMinHeight, "display": "flex", "flex-direction": "column", "justify-content": "center", "position": "relative", }) $body.html(); }, message: async function({$body, msg, ms, speed = 200} = {}) { let $msg = $("{div}{/div}".parseHtml()).text(msg).css({display:"none", textAlign:"center",fontSize:"1.5em"}); $body.append($msg); $msg.slideDown(speed/100); await util.asleep(ms + speed); $msg.slideUp(speed/100); await util.asleep(speed); $msg.remove(); }, initSound: (name) => { let thisSound = null repo.getFileUrl(`파일:${name}`).then(({url}) => thisSound = new Audio(url)); return () => { if(thisSound) thisSound.cloneNode().play(); } }, saveRanking: async function({score}) { let name = mw.user.getName() || "익명"; let rankingPagename = mw.config.get('wgPageName') + "/랭킹"; let content = await repo.getPage(rankingPagename); let prevRank = content === "" ? [] : content.trim().split("\n").map( row => { let [_,name,score] = row.match(/\* ([^']+)[^\d]+(\d+)/) return [name,score] }) let rankIndex = prevRank.findIndex(([name,thisScore]) => score > thisScore); let rank = rankIndex === -1 ? prevRank.length + 1 : rankIndex + 1;

let newRank = Object.entries(Object.fromEntries(prevRank.concat(name,score))).sort((a,b) => b[1] - a[1]); let newRankText = newRank.map(([name,score]) => `* ${name} : ${score}점`).join("\n"); let success = await repo.editPage({ pagename: rankingPagename, text: newRankText,

summary: `랭킹 등록(${score}점, ${rank}위)`, }); mw.notify(success ? `${name}님의 점수가 등록되었습니다. (랭킹 ${rank}위)` : '랭킹 등록에 실패했습니다.'); return rank; } }

const repo = { api: new mw.Api(), getFileUrl: async function (pagename) { let response = await repo.api.get({ action: 'query', titles: pagename, prop: 'imageinfo', iiprop: 'url', formatversion: 2 }); let pages = response.query.pages; let url = pages[0].imageinfo[0].url; return { url }; }, editPage: async function({pagename, text, summary, bot= true, minor = true} = {}) {

let response = await repo.api.post({ action: 'edit', title: pagename, text, summary, bot, minor, token: await repo.api.getToken('csrf') });

if (response?.edit?.result === 'Success') { return true } else { return false; }

}, getPage: async function({pagename}){ let response = await repo.api.get({ action: 'query', prop: 'revisions', rvprop: 'content', titles: pagename, formatversion: 2, }); if(response.query === undefined) return let pages = response.query.pages; let content = pages[0].revisions[0].content;

return content } }

const bgm = { audioEl: null, play: async function(level = 0) { let {url} = await repo.getFileUrl(MUSICS[level].pagename); bgm.stop(); this.audioEl = new Audio(url); this.currentTime = 0; this.audioEl.addEventListener('ended', function() { this.currentTime = 0; this.play(); }, false);

this.audioEl.play(); }, stop: function() { if (this.audioEl) { this.audioEl.pause(); } } }

class Timer{ constructor(limit){

this._limit = limit; this._time = 0; this._score = 0; this._$element = $(`{div class="timer"}{div class="bg"}{/div}{div class="remain"}${this._limit}{/div}{/div}`.parseHtml()); this._resolve = () => {}; } start(){ let $remain = this._$element.find(".remain"); let $bg = this._$element.find(".bg"); this._time = this._limit; this._score = 0; $remain.text(this._time); this._interval = setInterval(() => { this._time = Math.floor((this._time - 0.1) * 10) / 10; $remain.text(this._time); if(this._time <= 0){ clearInterval(this._interval); this._resolve(); }

// time과 limt에 따라 $element의 width를 조정 let width = this._time / this._limit * 100; $bg.css({ width: `${width}%`, background: `hsl(${width * 1.2}, 100%, 80%)` });

}, 100); }

addTime(amount){ this._time += amount; let diff = this._time - this._limit; this._score += diff; if(this._time > this._limit) this._time = this._limit; } wait(){ return new Promise(resolve => { this._resolve = resolve; });

} getScore(){ return Math.floor(this._score); } getElement(){ return this._$element; } }

class Grid{ static DIRECTIONS = [[1,1],[1,0],[1,-1],[0,1],[0,0],[0,-1],[-1,1],[-1,0],[-1,-1]] constructor({row=5, col=5, depth=2, shuffleCount=2}={}){ this._row = row; this._col = col; this._depth = depth; this._resolve = () => {} this._grid = Array.from({length:row},()=>Array.from({length:col},()=>0)); this._shuffle(this._grid,shuffleCount); }

static _isMobile(){ return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent); }

_sample(prevArr, count=1){ let result = []; let arr = [...prevArr]; for(let i=0;i<count;i++){ let index = Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length); result.push(arr[index]); arr.splice(index,1); } return result; }

_shuffle(grid,count){ let size = this._row * this._col; let depth = this._depth; let rawCells = Array.from({length:size},(_,i)=>i) rawCells = Array.from({length:depth - 1}, ()=>rawCells).flat();

let cells = this._sample(rawCells, count);

for(let cell of cells){ let row = Math.floor(cell/this._col); let col = cell%this._col; this._move(grid,row,col); } }

_move(grid,row,col){ for(let [r,c] of Grid.DIRECTIONS){ let value = grid?.[row+r]?.[col+c]; if(value !== undefined){ grid[row+r][col+c] = ((grid[row+r][col+c] || 0) + 1) % this._depth; } } }

_validate(grid){ return grid.every(row=>row.every(col=>col === grid[0][0])); }

getElement(){ let $grid = $("{div class='grid'}{/div}".parseHtml()).css({ display:"grid", width: "100%", height: "100%", gap: "8px", gridTemplateColumns: `repeat(${this._col},1fr)`, gridTemplateRows: `repeat(${this._row},1fr)`, }); let getColor = (row,col) => `hsl(${this._grid[row][col]*360/this._depth},100%,80%)`; for(let i = 0; i < this._row; i++){ for(let j = 0; j < this._col; j++){ let $div = $("{div class='cell'}{/div}".parseHtml()).css({ backgroundColor: getColor(i,j), }).attr({row:i,col:j}); $grid.append($div); } }

$grid.find(".cell").on(Grid._isMobile()?"touchstart":"mousedown",e => { let $cell = $(e.currentTarget); let [row,col] = [$cell.attr("row"),$cell.attr("col")].map(v=>+v); this._move(this._grid,row,col); if(this._validate(this._grid)) this._resolve(); sound.move();

$cell.css({backgroundColor:getColor(row,col)}); // 현재 셀 색상 변경 setTimeout(()=>{ // 주변 셀 색상 변경 for(let [r,c] of Grid.DIRECTIONS){ let $cell = $grid.find(`.cell[row=${row+r}][col=${col+c}]`); if($cell.length) $cell.css({backgroundColor:getColor(row+r,col+c)}); } },100); });

return $grid; }

wait(){ return new Promise(resolve=>{ this._resolve=resolve }); } }
